Picking a solid book title is essential if you really want to attract potential readers. Therefore for this you need to brainstorm a lot, plan and then choose the right one. Remember, a book title has to be catchy and easy to remember. Therefore always keep it simple yet attractive. Furthermore, it must resonate emotionally with your readers. For example, if you are writing a mystery novel, the audience must be those who enjoy reading such books. You can even take inspiration from similar novels. Just make sure not to copy-paste them. Instead bring originality by playing with words. If you are having trouble choosing the book, consider getting help from the Book Writing Firm. They will help you brainstorm ideas. Also, ensure that the book title is short and 4 to 5 words long. For long titles you can consider adding subtitles. If you have any friends who share the same creativity, consider sharing your title ideas with them. Additionally, you can even use book title generators to make things easier.